Why is relaxation important? Learn about the hormones of labour and birth!

Why is being calm and relaxed during birth so important?

Well, it’s pretty basic. Our survival instinct makes it important!

Naturally and instinctively, all mammals – including humans – have a fight or flight response when in danger. So when we are scared or anxious our bodies produce stress hormones to help us deal with the situation. Some situations will require us to run and act quickly and the stress hormones help us do so. These protective stress hormones (including adrenaline) block any non-essential systems such as our digestive system and raise our blood pressure and heart rate. Our blood is diverted away from our brain, uterus etc. into our legs and arms.

Adrenaline, while it is a life-guard hormone also slows down labour by inhibiting the hormone oxytocin…

Oxytocin is the hormone of love, labour and lactation. It gives us uterine contraction but also clouds our perception of the intensity. Your natural oxytocin makes you feel better, happier and let’s your body-own pain killers (endorphins) thrive, too.

Nobody wants to give birth in an uncomfortable or unsafe environment

The way our body responds to the environment around us is rooted in the basic survival instinct that we used thousands of years ago. Of course, we all know that your midwives and other healthcare professionals won’t hurt your baby, but we are still ‘triggered’ by the ‘strangers’ in the room and/or the unfamiliar environment. These triggers make us feel out of control and may be unable to birth our babies without fear and pain taking over. Hypnobirthing techniques aim to deal with your anxieties around childbirth and to help you create a ‘safe place’ inside your head that you can retreat to at any time. Other techniques include the toning down of unwanted sensations and thoughts.

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